Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hello, my name is Gelfling, and I am an addict.

Yesterday we went to a local nursery to purchase a few herbs to fill some planters sitting vacant in the yard.  On the list was lemongrass, lemon balm and borage.
We left with lemongrass, lemon balm, lemon basil, purple basil, foxglove, echinacea, and a cinnamon fern.  And then we stopped by a local family farm and picked 5 overflowing quarts of fresh strawberries. 

I blame my darling man... he's an enabler. 

 "I'm sure we can find room for more plants/chickens/strawberries, dear..."

He draws the line at bunnies, though.  I am bunny-obsessed, and lately have been prone to jumping around excitedly and exclaiming "BUNNIES!  BUNNIES!  I WANT BUNNIES!" at random.  He hasn't budged, and we remain bunny free at the present.  However, he does admit that it would be really cute to have bunnies running around the yard with the chickens (and I briefly considered changing the name of my blog to "Broody Bunnies" because the idea is just too cute to handle).  

Today is the last day of our little vacation together, and I am vowing to keep far, far away from nurseries, animal shelters and strawberry fields.  The first step is admitting you have a problem, right??

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