This weekend I canned a bushel of peaches. The first five quarts were done yesterday... and then I forgot about them in the canner, on the grill, boiling away, for six hours. They are very, very well cooked now. I figure we can at least use them in smoothies, but they won't be the tender but firm, delicious-straight-from-the-jar canned peaches that got us through this past winter. The five quarts I canned today (and didn't forget about) came out just fine, though!
I am also in the process of canning pasta sauce. It's been simmering on the grill for two hours now and isn't even close to being thick enough... I'm just hoping to get it thickened by the time I go to bed tonight. I can always reheat it and process it in the jars tomorrow afternoon when I get home from work. But the little porch of our smokehouse smells absolutely incredible right now, rich with tomatoes, garlic and basil.
Our Ameraucana rooster, Fritz, has finally started crowing. He's a randy thing, but so far has proven to be fairly gentle. The ladies think he is quite the dashing gentleman, whereas Bowie, the Polish rooster, is more of the skinny rockstar bad boy who has yet to find his voice. I have confidence that he'll get a little flock of his own groupies in time.
We adopted a pair of Muscovies last week. They're only four months old and they're HUGE. This is the female, who we haven't yet named. I think she's lovely.
They seem to be fitting in with the ducks quite well. All five of them are out on the water, splashing about and being duck-like. For a while the ducks would only spend ten minutes on the pond and stream before they'd flipflap their way back up the hill, quacking to be let back into the fenced run. Now they've remembered that they're ducks, and spend the whole day being lazy and swimming.
One of our silver laced Wyandottes. She looks MAD.
Another recently adopted addition, a Frizzle Serama, who we have taken to calling Frizzle Fo Shizzle. It is hilarious to see this tea-cup-sized hen try to sit on top of the big girls' eggs. She's adorable.
I had better get back out there to stir the pasta sauce... thanks for checking in!