Saturday, July 23, 2011


I apologize for my poor blog maintainance over this past month.  It's been a busy one... festivals every other weekend, stressful 12-hour-long days in the ER, and heat that just won't quit. 

I'm finding my way at my job, slowly but surely.  Some days are better than others.  I always come home exhausted... but some days, I come home exhausted and satisfied rather than exhausted and defeated.  I take that as a good sign.

A hawk attacked our ducks while they were on the pond this past week.  Little Coyote got a scratch on her neck, but it could have been much, much worse. 

Bowie, our little silver laced polish bantam, is a boy, it turns out.  He started crowing from atop the duck house this week.  I suppose that his name suits him, as he is an androgynous as the man he was named for!

The garden is a mess.  I haven't had time to get out there to weed, so grass is poking up all over the place in the beds where I haven't mulched.  I'd say that this weekend would solve that problem, if not for 105 degree temps that make weeding a dangerous endeavor. 

I'm in full wedding planning mode now, with less than three months to go.  Our invitations came from the printer, and they are beautiful.  Honeybunch reserved the full kilt ensemble that he's renting for the big day... and boy is he going to look handsome.  Today we're going to have our fingers sized so that we might order our rings from the talented folks on Etsy who will be making them for us.

Everything is coming together, and once we have the tent, tables, chairs and linens rental paid for, it's all just details from then on.

I can't wait for October!

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