Saturday, March 17, 2012

First Sunburn of 2012: St Patrick's Day.

It certainly has been an unusual end of winter/early Spring.  I got my first sunburn today while working in the yard.  There are peepers and toads singing their night songs outside my open window.  I have a mosquito bite on my arm.

I'm hoping to have the veggie garden ready for planting by the end of the month.  We had some gravel delivered today, and have started laying down cardboard on the paths that lack stone/brick/pavers.  Over the cardboard we'll lay landscaping cloth, then gravel atop that for what I hope will be a nice dry, weed-free path between the beds. 

The General was being coy today.  We found his lady Jane's nest of eggs under the front porch.

Ducks at dusk!

Loveliness abounds this time of year.

Bashful daffodils are in bloom everywhere.

We found several praying mantis egg sacs clinging to sumac saplings... I came very close to destroying three of them while clearing brush from the hillside above the pond! 

I'm fighting a cold (again!), but I feel like fresh air and a healthy dose of dirt up my nose and under my fingernails has to be good for me.  I can't wait to get out there to continue our work tomorrow.

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