Monday, October 29, 2012


The storm is moving in, and the pond is just about to overflow its banks and join with the surging stream that runs alongside our property.  So far we still have power (obviously!), but I don't expect that to last through the night with the way the wind is howling out there.  I am due in to work at 0700, and am nervous about the possibility of driving at pretty much the exact time the storm will be right on top of our area.  I got a voicemail from my work stating that the hospital has "declared an emergency" and no staff are permitted to leave until their relief arrives until further notice... which means that come hell or high water, I'd better make it in tomorrow. 

So here's hoping that the gutters stay attached to the barn, the trees remain rooted and upright, and the roads stay clear of debris and flood waters!

Monday, October 08, 2012


Today is our first wedding anniversary.  It's amazing how quickly the time goes by when you're having fun!  Since Hubbybunch works today, we took our time celebrating this past weekend.  Friday night I set a pretty candlelit table, and ordered takeout from the Indian restaurant that catered our wedding dinner.  We ate the same meal we did a year ago, and even had a bottle of the same mead.  It was lovely.  Saturday we spent all day working in the garden and greenhouse, and upon discovering a few fleas on Sammy, we gave all four cats and the skunk fleabaths.  I am covered in scratches.  In the evening we drove into the city and met up with friends for a rare night out on the town.  Yesterday, Hubbybunch pasteurized popcorn and jars for mushroom-growing medium and I tore out all of the carpet from the upstairs hallway :D  We have our own unique ways of celebrating, I suppose!

As I type, I'm sitting in front of the woodstove and sipping a mug of coffee.  The past several days have been cold, damp and dreary, and today is the first day of the season that I rekindled the fire from the coals upon waking in the morning.  It's not easy to tear myself away from the coziest seat in the house, but today is Columbus Day, which in my part of the world means it's time to plant the garlic.  I am a BIG fan of garlic, as is Hubbybunch (thank goodness for that!).  This will be the first time I'm attempting to grow our own.  I bought five seed cloves of an Italian softneck variety that smells fantastic... here's hoping for garlic braids hanging in the kitchen come next Spring!

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

October is here!

My most favorite month of the year has arrived.  I love October, everything about it... the crisp cool nights, the trees changing color, Halloween!