Friday, October 30, 2009

This is Halloween, Halloween, HALLOWEEN!

And so it comes... my most favoritest of favorite days of the year!

Halloween has always been a magical day for me.  I love the fact that on this one day, everyone I meet has a perfectly valid excuse to be incredibly silly.  Some take advantage of it by reclaiming their childhood love of playing "dress up".  Others indulge their hidden mean-streak with a few practical jokes and scares.  And yet others choose to act out a fantasy, and to become someone who, perhaps, we secretly wish we could really be.

This year, for one night, I am going to be....

Boudica, Celtic warrior queen, enraged woman and mother, freedom-fighter, and ruthless killer.

I shall enter the Philadelphia Experiment Halloween Ball with my head held high. 

I am tribal royalty! 
I am a woman, full of fire and fury, who will fight to the death to avenge the rape of my daughters, the abuse of my body, and the oppression of my people. 
While I breathe, no Roman man, woman, or child who meets my path shall survive. 
Crude we may be, peasants and farmers... but as a people we are strong, and together we will bite back at the cruel hands of the Roman tormentors who seek to silence us. 
Our course of destruction will be as wild as the wind... our warpath guided by the running of a wild hare and the will of our Goddess of Victory. 
London will burn.
The Thames will run red.
I will have my revenge.

Oh hells yeah.

Edit: here are photos of our costumes!

1 comment:

S said...

Just saw that you started a blog! Fun! I have one too, but it's been a bit neglected as of late. I need to start posting again. I started it when Ruby was still very little.

I loved your costume at PEX and loved reading about this heroine/goddess here. Really interesting. I love strong women who stand up for what they believe in. How fitting for you to go as her too!