Thursday, June 02, 2011

Beat the heat...

It's definitely summertime around here.  The temperature has been hitting the mid-90s, the lightning bugs are illuminating the nights like it's Christmas, and turtles are burying their eggs in the yard.  I am grateful for my little window A/C unit, and for the cool shade of the woods on our property, and for fresh clean water out of the well that can be made into lemonade.

It's been a little hectic around here with work, and trying to keep up with stuff to be done around the homestead.  I'm choosing to escape into cheap easy fiction, consumed in terrifying quantities on my Kindle.  I've had a headache for 4 days straight now, with body aches, fatigue and nausea... and I'm worried about the possibility of Lyme.  The ticks are HORRIBLE this summer.  They're everywhere.  I haven't found a bite or a rash, but I'm suspicious.  I'll get some labwork done this weekend, even though the lab tests for Lyme are notoriously inaccurate...

This weekend our former Good Neighbors are coming up to visit overnight and I'm just tickled pink.  This entire week (and the next TWO!) are all classroom stuff at work... critical care modules on a computer.... it's all interesting material but one can only sit and read about heart failure, pacemakers and CABG at a computer for so many hours each day.  I'm anxious for the weekend.

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