Friday, April 30, 2010

Another month gone by.

April is drawing to a close.  This means several things to me right now.

My orientation period as a new nurse will be over in one week, and I'll be on my own.  That's not to say that I won't have help from my coworkers, but it is a transition from "orientee" to real, honest-to-goodness "employee".  I am really hoping that I do my job well.

Our frost date approaches.  I cannot wait to let all of my little tomatoes and peppers and squashes stretch out their legs and take root in our raised bed.

Our CSA should begin its weekly deliveries soon!  I intend to blog each week about what we receive and how we use/preserve it.

I will be 23 years old very shortly. I distinctly remember a time when I could not imagine living to be this age. Time is going by too quickly and it frightens me.  I am looking at my life and wondering if I'm really doing everything I can to maximize my time on this planet.  I need to find a way to give more, to be more creative, and connect with the people around me.  I've been very hobbit-ish lately, wrapped up with my own little life and concerns.  I'd like to change that. 

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