Saturday, June 26, 2010

My fever is broken!!

Hurrah!  Hurray!  Weee!!

I'm still not feeling 100%, but I feel a heck of alot better than I did 4.6 degree ago!

This means that today I got out into the garden (in fact, out into the world at ALL) for the first time since Wednesday morning.  And, I discovered some of our lovely tomatoes were showing signs of blossom-end rot.  Le sigh.  Apparently I haven't been watering enough... or maybe there isn't enough calcium in the soil... either way, I sprinkled a generous amount of powdered milk at the base of each and will henceforth be watering religiously.  Only a few of the fruit needed to be tossed to the chickens, so hopefully I caught it early enough to prevent a big loss.

I also discovered several zucchini that should have been picked days ago... one was the size of my forearm... so the poor dears are relegated to baking purposes only, as the flavor and texture aren't quite right for eating on their own at that size.  They yielded 9 cups of shredded zucchini.  Yipes.  Looks like I'll be getting a head start on our freezer supply of zucchini bread.  I'm baking my way through the massive bowl of batter, but have only three loaf pans to work with, so it's slow going over here.  I'm going to be up late tonight.  I am reminded of a part of "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle" by Barbara Kingsolver in which she describes the desperate attempts gardeners make to rid themselves of their excess of zucchini.... and to protect themselves from being "gifted" with the same.  And it's only the end of June....

Zucchini Bread

2 eggs
1.5 c sugar
0.5 c honey
1 c vegetable oil
2 c grated raw zucchini
3 tsp vanilla
1 c whole wheat flour
2 c all purpose flour
1 tsp kosher salt
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp baking powder
3 tsp ground cinnamon
1 c sunflower seeds (or chopped walnuts/filberts, whatever you prefer)

Beat the eggs until light and foamy.  Add the zucchini, sugar, oil, and vanilla and mix well.  Combine flour salt, soda, power and cinnamon in a separate bowl, mix well, then add to wet ingredients.  Stir until well blended, add seeds/nuts, and pour into two greased loaf pans.  Bake at 350 degrees for about an hour. 
Alternately, add chocolate chips and bake in muffin pans... delicious and sinful.
These loaves keep well at room temperature, and freeze beautifully too!

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