Monday, June 07, 2010

Round two and running.

The season is moving on.  Spinach and strawberries are waning, to be replaced by zucchini and cherries.  The sight of cherries at the farmer's market this past weekend was such a thrill... they looked like such beautiful little jewels, in their red and blushing yellow! 

A few recent night runs on the rocky trails of our local woodlands have led me to discover the downside of "barefoot" running (in Vibram FiveFingers)... stubbed toes!  Goodness me, my left foot is throbbing today from the many expletive-laced encounters with rocks and roots last night.  This revelation about running shoes has enabled me to run painlessly in regards to my knees, hips and back... but my toes are taking a serious beating.  I suppose I should run by daylight instead of by the light of a red headlamp, at least until I learn to pick up my feet.  However, night runs feel so damn good... the chilled air, the rich smells of cooling earth, the quiet... so far we haven't come across anyone else on the trails at night.  It's much easier to get me out there at night than on a 90 degree afternoon.

The 10k mud race is this Saturday, and I'm fairly certain that I'll end up walking a good portion of it.  I'm getting stronger and running longer, but I'm unlikely to finish the race without stopping to walk once each half mile.  I'm okay with that.  The whole point of running in general is to have fun, and the point of this race is to have fun and raise funds for a good cause.  Whether I walk or run across the finish line, I'll enjoy the process.

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