Wednesday, November 24, 2010

See one, do one, teach one.

That's a phrase I heard over and over again in nursing school, describing how to best become proficient with your clinical skills.  A mere 6 months after I finished my orientation as a new nurse at my hospital, I'm now orienting the next generation of newbies.  It's strange, and unnerving, to be looked at as an "experienced" nurse by the young ladies I've been a preceptor for this past week... I don't feel like an experienced nurse.  I still feel really green!

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and we'll be braving some awful traffic to join Honeybunch's family for a meal.  My sister is currently half a world away in Israel visiting our father and won't return until Sunday, and my mother has to work the holiday evening shift.  So, we'll celebrate with my half of the family later in the weekend.  I love having an excuse to feast more than once, especially on hearty comfort foods like sweet potatoes, green beans, sweet corn, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, stuffing (made veggie style outside of the turkey by my ever thoughtful mother)... my mouth is watering just thinking of it. 

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday, full of gratitude and spent with the people you love.

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