Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A busy week.

When we did the walk-through before settlement last Friday, the furnace wasn't working.  The oil tank had run dry (again), and we wrote up a contingency with the sellers that if after a delivery of oil the furnace still didn't work, they'd pay for the repairs since it was functional at the time of the inspection.  So, oil was delivered on Tuesday, still doesn't work.  Hoping it just needs a bit of maintainance (get the burner cleaned, etc).  The seller is supposed to get someone out there to handle it today or tomorrow.  Luckily the weather hasn't been too cold, so the plumbing is all in tact... but it surely is an inconvenience.

We finished painting the bedroom last night, and moved another carload of boxes in.  Honeybunch bought a miter saw so we can tackle the installation of the laminate flooring.  After we finished painting last night, we sat outside in the drizzling rain sipping a plastic cup of homemade wine and listening to the quiet.  It is SO quiet out there.  There are no busses, no highways, no neighbors or people talking loudly on their way home from the local bar at 2am... we didn't even see a single car drive past.  All we heard was the rain, the creek, and the wind in the trees.  It was blissful.

Tonight I work a 12-hour shift, then go directly to a hospital near the new house for an interview.  I'm supposed to arrive in scrubs because I'll be shadowing a nurse in the ER... I don't know how long that will take, but I'm figuring that I'll crash out on the massage table at the new place with a space heater on rather than brave the hour drive back to the apartment after such a long day with no sleep.  I'm really hoping that they offer me this job.

I'll update again after we've made some progress this weekend!

1 comment:

Carol G said...

It was great to get caught up with you again. Congratulations on getting the new house. I hope the furnace is an easy and quick fix. You house and property are very nice. I love the water and all the nice outdoor amenities! How nice the inside is too... I'm looking forward to seeing it with furniture. I hope you get the job. I've done ER before and glad it's behind me. Too much stress for me!