Monday, March 28, 2011

A quickie...

... before I run off to work, a quick update:

I got the ER job!  Full time, starting May 2nd!  So excited to learn everything I'm going to learn there.

The flooring in the bedroom is in, just need to put down the quarter round and the piece for the doorway and it's DONE.

We have TWO pairs of mallards in our pond, they were double-dating for breakfast this morning.  Plus we saw a giant blue heron the other morning, and some tadpoles sprouting legs :D

Almost ALL of the trees in the back of the property are black walnuts, so most of the acreage is a no-go for gardening.  But we have other ideas, and I'll post about them when I have a bit more time.

1 comment:

Bláithín said...

Sooo happy for you getting the job!! And isn't it fun/amazing to watch the developments in spring at your new place? I know I've said it before, but our first spring here was so magical, watching what plants would spring up and flower, etc. Enjoy!!