Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas!

I know, I'm a day late... but in my defense, I worked all weekend!

Despite the unfortunate work schedule, we managed to have a very nice little holiday here on the homestead.  I finished work around 4pm on Christmas Eve, so my family came to our house for a simple, early dinner.  My mom brought quiche, salad and pie, and I made sweet potatoes, asparagus and challah knots.  It was delicious, relaxed, and cozy. 

And Hubbybunch got me a fancy schmancy sewing machine for Christmas!!  I've always wanted to learn to sew... and now I will.  I sewed my very first seam this afternoon... after spending about an hour learning to thread the machine, heh.

My talented and artistic sister created a gingerbread house for us, complete with pretzel rod "logs", sugar chickens, and licorice hula hoops :)  Adorable.

Having worked the weekend, I took today and tomorrow off... and will pretty much be doing nothing at all but chilling out at home and feasting on leftovers. 

I hope you all enjoyed the holiday as much as I did.

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