Wednesday, January 04, 2012

A Monday-off-from-work Project

We bought our home in March 2011.  It was full of carpeting.  I am of the belief that carpet, no matter how well-kept and frequently vaccummed it is, is dirty.  It is especially dirty if you are inheriting it from some other family with god knows what sort of home hygiene habits.  Within 48 hours of closing, we tore out the carpeting from every room, leaving it only in the upstairs hallway because it was obviously brand new and we decided that project could wait.  The flooring in our bedroom and the office went in before we moved our furniture in.... but the two smaller upstairs bedrooms have been naked plywood ever since. 

This past Monday, both Hubbybunch and I had a day off from work.  We woke up, made some coffee, stoked the fire in the stove, and decided that we would tackle one of those bedrooms.  We ran out to Lowe's, bought 6 more boxes of Pergo to add to the 2 we had leftover from the office, and got to work.  Within two hours, this room that has been unused (except as a dumping ground for stuff that was meant to go to the attic) became a warm, inviting space.

This room will likely be a guest room, though I'm considering setting up my sewing machine in there as well.  It's exciting to have what feels like a whole new room in the house!

1 comment:

Carol G said...

That looks beautiful! Great job!