Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Wednesday's Happy Card

Ten things that bring me joy!

1. Sleeping under many covers while flanked by three warm kitties.

2. The rare February day that rises above 40 degrees, teasing me with a taste of Spring.

3. Truly fantastic sushi frmo our favorite restaurant.

4. Gawdy red velvet whoopie pies.

5. Ignoring the fact that said whoopie pies supply me with half of my day's daily calories each.

6. The thought that in about 4 weeks, we'll be settling on our new home and DONE with the paperwork.

7. Outrageously large, perky pregnant bellies that look like giant beach balls.

8. Being able to *almost* pull my hair back into a little ponytail.

9. The arrival of my custom made wedding dress, which is absolutely gorgeous and only needs a few minor alterations for fit.

10. Kindly old ladies who smile and say thank you when you bring them chapstick, even though they're throwing up and feeling lousy.

1 comment:

Carol G said...

that last one touches my heart. Very sweet.