Sunday, August 21, 2011

Shower time!

Yes, it is raining out there... and yes, I just got out of the shower after spending about an hour mowing the lawn.  But those aren't the kind of showers I'm talking about!

My sister and mother threw me a downright classy shindig in honor of the fact that I will soon be an old, married woman.  It was awesome.

Chocolates in the shape of beehives and honeycomb.  AWESOME.

 And the favors?  Homemade beehive cookies and jars of lavender tupelo honey.  AWESOME.

 Homemade lingonberry tarts?   AWESOME.

 Freshly picked figs and white peach sangria and fancyschmancy glasses?  AWESOME.

 Brie, roasted red pepper and greens sandwiches on croissants?  SO AWESOME.

 Lemon pound cake with black raspberry jam filling and swiss buttercream icing, IN THE SHAPE OF A FLIPPING BEEHIVE?  AWESOME AND DELICIOUSOMG.

 Flowers and ammunition as a gift? Carol and Pete are AWESOME!!

 And the most delicious thing I have ever tasted:  toasted brioche topped with ricotta cheese and lavender honey, sprinkled with lavender buds.  Seriously.  It was food heaven.

 My mom gushed.  It was adorable.

And a good friend gave me a Fat Chicken.

It was truly wonderful to gather with friends and family and enjoy an afternoon of girly delights.  My people rock.  I'm excited to write the thank-you notes!!

All photos are the work of my friend Doerthe, who was kind enough to attend, give me super duper special presents, AND take great photos the whole time!

1 comment:

S said...

your shower looks lovely! Beautiful food and presentation. I'm sorry I missed it, I received an invite from your sister but we had a plan in place already for that day (which ended up getting rained out) That cake looks incredible!