Sunday, August 28, 2011

We survived the week of the Quakenadocane!

The storm moved in yesterday afternoon and lasted through the night.  The rain is mostly gone now, but the winds  are still wild out there, making the trees dance in a beautiful and dangerous way.

My mother called me last night to tell me there was a tornado in the town where Honeybunch works, and headed west towards us.  We turned on the radio, listened to the emergency broadcast, and gathered up the cats and skunk in our central living room.  Our basement is literally cut into the stone of this hill, and our walls are one and a half feet thick hardwood logs.  I felt pretty darn safe.  The wind was fierce, but no tornado.  We went back to sleep after listening to Thistle and Shamrock on NPR. 

At 0430 we woke up to flashing lights and the sound of a police radio outside.  Apparently a tree split in two and dropped one half across our street and into our driveway, narrowly missing the power lines, barn, and our friend's car.  The firemen were out there cutting it into pieces with a chainsaw to clear the road.  After assessing the situation and seeing that no damage had been done, I allowed myself to think, "score!  Free firewood!"

This morning there are lots of downed branches, and a newly formed pond in the yard.   Our stream is a surging river, and we have about 1/2" of water in the basement.  Our greenhouse is in tact.  All of the birds weathered the storm well, and the repairs Honeybunch did to our kitchen roof held.  We didn't lose electricity, though it flickered once or twice.

 It's a pelvis!!

 I'm SO glad we took down these two trees... they used to lean WAY over the greenhouse and I'm certain they would have dropped limbs and broken more panes in this wind!

This is Shelab.  She is about 3" across from leg to leg, and she lives in the greenhouse.  She was very grateful that we replaced the broken panes and took down the threatening trees before the storm moved in.

1 comment:

S said...

wow! That is a gorgeous spider! So glad that tree missed anything vital and gave it's self to you in the form of firewood. It sure has been an exciting week!