Thursday, August 25, 2011

Storm's a-coming.

Well, I'm sure our house has seen worse storms in its 211 years of life... but I have to admit, I'm feeling a little nervous.

We have two trees that need to come DOWN before Irene hits here.  They threaten the greenhouse... which, it just so happens, Honeybunch just replaced panels in. 

We have no bottled water... gotta remedy that tomorrow.  Up until this point in my life I lived on municipal city water that pretty much always ran from the tap, no matter what was happening outside.  I haven't yet gotten it into my head that no electricity = no well pump.  A non-electric backup pump is on our preparedness wishlist... but for this weekend, it'll be gallons of bottled spring water for us.  In the meantime, I'm trying to get ALL of our laundry done in the next 24 hours so that if we lose power for a few days we'll be okay.

We have no sump pump for the basement.  We do, however, have a groundhog in the basement right now.  But that's a story for another day.

Storms excite me... but it's our first big bad storm in our new old house, and I'm just crossing my fingers that our lack of experience with storms in rural areas doesn't make this storm exciting in all the wrong ways!

1 comment:

Bláithín said...

Hope all goes well!! Yeah, it takes a bit of getting used to living in the boonies and preparing for storms. Fill the washing machine (and bathtub) with water once you get all your laundry done; that way you'll have a back up supply for flushing the toilet, watering critters, etc.