Friday, January 14, 2011

A $50 owl

The hawk returned to the chicken yard today to inflict more terror and chaos.  Looks like it's probably a red-shouldered hawk.  Honeybunch scared it away before it could attack, but we had to shut the girls up in their coop on this nice sunny day until we found a solution.  I called around to a few hardware stores until I found one that had an electric fake owl in stock.  It has motion sensors, turns its head in the direction of movement and hoots.  I put it atop the coop, turned it on, and I'm hoping for the best. 

In other news, I found out today that I get light-headed when watching people get branded, even when it's just on video.  This is a bizarre and unexpected realization.  I burn myself on a fairly frequent basis, not just in the kitchen but while performing with my fire tools (melted my bra to my back one time, ouch).  I've watched other people, including Honeybunch, burn themselves doing the same.  I intentionally paint trails of fire on my body for a show and for fun.  I've been in the OR when a cauterizing scalpel is being used, the look and smell of burning flesh has never bothered me.  But I watched a video an acquaintance posted on Facebook of him being branded on his wrists out at Burning Man, and it made me nauseous and lightheaded.  I guess you never know what will freak you out until you encounter it.


Bláithín said...
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Bláithín said...

Oops...sorry about the deleted comment; I accidentally sent it before I was done writing what I wanted to say! Anyway....

Glad you were able to find an owl quickly...hopefully this keeps the hawk at bay!

As far as getting light-headed seeing someone get branded, my own particular weirdness is, I can't stand to see skin get cut. I love watching medical shows, but when they whip out the scalpel and start the incision, I have to look away. It creeps me out no end. Once the incision is made, I'm good to go!

Carol G said...

I'm still wondering about people being branded... I'm not sure I've ever heard of such a thing... Sputum is my weakness. As a nurse, I'm sure you understand.