Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Thrilling Saturday

We had a friend over Friday night, and after staying up late and drinking just a tad too much homemade wine, I slept in very, very late today.  I woke up just in time to eat, shower, and meet up with my sister and friends at 2pm for an hour and a half of ice skating.  It felt good to be out on the ice, as it had been about a year since I'd last skated.  I'm not an amazing skater or anything like that, but the sensation of gliding and building speed and warming up my muscles in the cold air just makes me smile.  Afterwards, Honeybunch and I got sushi (a very special treat!) from our favorite place, and not too long after that, I fell back asleep with a heating pad on my back. 

Yup, we're party animals over here. 

Now I have dough for baguettes rising in the fridge, cats are sprawled across the bed, and Honeybunch is working on hoop stuff at his desk.  If we're feeling really crazy a little later, we might watch a movie!!

We have the home inspection scheduled for this upcoming Friday morning, and an appointment with our mortgage broker Thursday evening.  Things are rolling along, frighteningly big checks are going to be written in the next couple of weeks, and we're picking out what breeds of baby chickies we're going to raise this Spring in our new home.  We're thinking of getting a pair of goslings as well!  The possibilities ahead of us are just now starting to feel real.

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