Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday's Happy Card

Over at there was a blog post about writing up a "Happy Card", or a list of ten things that make you feel joy.  The point is to have a reminder of reasons to be grateful and to keep your thinking positive when it starts to stray towards your troubles and cares.  I have a tendency to be a bit negative... I can be critical, and I can whine, and I can feel sorry for myself.  Especially when I haven't gotten enough sleep, or if it's been more than 4 hours since I've eaten (low blood sugar is bad).  So, I've decided that I'm going to try to get in the habit of a weekly post with ten things that make me happy, starting today!

1. Dancing silly dances in the kitchen with my Honeybunch.
2. Watching the chickens pour out of the coop like water when I open the door in the morning.
3. Snow moustaches on the neighbors dogs.
4. Clean sheets on the bed!
5. All three cats swarming around my feet and meowing for breakfast.
6. Baking bread.
7. Seed catalogs.
8. Watching the neighbors play with Honeybunch's LED hoops in the snow.
9. Kombucha tea.
10. Our dwarf pomegranate tree soaking up the winter sunlight on the kitchen windowsill. 

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